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NavCal Marine Services LLC 865-765-3407

Navigational Equipment and Services for the Inland Waterways

NavCal Marine Services is a high technology company specializing in monitoring and control instrumentation to improve marine safety.


We have been very busy doing consulting work on a 55 Ton hydraulic cable puller for ship extraction for Woojung Marine in Buson South Korea and other projects for several years.


We are now back in the design mode and working on a passenger vessel monitor shown to the left. Work is progressing well with vessel simulator hardware attached for design and debugging.


We also have some work done on a running lights Telltale monitor and similar related products.

Please send email to
Mail to NavCal Marine Services,LLC, 8016 Ellisville Lane, Knoxville, TN 37909.
We may be reached by phone at (865) 765-3407.  (c) NavCal Marine Services LLC

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